Website updates

After over a decade for this website, it is now time to carry out some significant updates to the website.

The site now moved over from a free wordpress account to a paid server. This enables more opportunities to do more things. Over the following months some changes to this site are likely to take place.

In the meantime, the site continues to have the same content as the old one; competition final rankings, book updates, blog posts.

New additions

Since the end of 2023, there has been much excitement to build a repository to share the history of Sitting Volleyball at the Paralympic Games. One of the plans for this site is to turn it into a place to view memorable moments from each of the Paralympic Games that sitting volleyball has been part of. Therefore, if you have something that you want to share (videos, photos, files, memorabilia, etc) from these games, please get in touch.

There are three eras of the games that are being sought for. While the site is getting ready to receive such information, have a look at those shoe boxes, files and storage places for all items that are collectable.

The three eras that are being sought after

  • Early years (1980 – 1996)
  • Middle years (2000 – 2008)
  • Digital era (2012 – current)

In addition, volunteers interested to get involved, feel free to send over an email or message on Facebook.


January 2024 – May 2024: Technical build of the site.

  • Front-end: Website, where people can register and upload their digital materials. Visitors of the site can see information for edition of the Paralympic Games.
  • Back-end: Cloud-based buckets to upload videos, photos, and files, through a platform for people to upload.

June 2024: Content created based on each of the games. Regular content released

August 2024: Paris 2024 games. Collection of digital materials to share history from the latest games.

The site is now live. Visit us to find out Sitting Volleyball at the Paralympic Games.